Friday, December 30, 2005


Permanent darkness,
perpetual angst,
irrelevant courtesies,
guilty pangs.

Suppressed anger,
merciless time,
unuttered words,
immature rhyme.

Excellent weather,
ceaseless wait,
relentless rain,
unfortunate fate.

Raised voices,
unusual din,
strained silence,
original sin.

Usual call,
clear line,
superficial talk,
everything’s fine!

Masked faces,
unshed tears,
thorny path,
wasted years.

Seeking destiny,
unforeseen journey,
blinding lights,
wrong turn…

Reality penned,
dead end,
dead end,


A poem for you, my dear
a poem for you.
A paragraph or two of poesy,
for a very small fee.

Don’t mock me with those pennies and coins,
just a dash of adulation
seasoned with praise would do.
Is it too much to ask of you?

Longer days,
endless nights,
empty hours,
meaningless sights.

Nothing what-so-ever
can fill the void
without you,
that I feel inside.



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