Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Shorts II

Ever wondered why;
All those friends who
come down from the States;
have weird last names?
Well, a little bird told me:
that if you want to be
a citizen of USA;
(It’s a pre-requisite)
your last name should be:
something like:

This is so;
it’s difficult to pronounce,
as they announce;
your name at Starbucks.
Yup, you guessed it right;
you are their comic relief
(spelled “sitting ducks”)!
The only exception to the rule
Is the oft-mistaken, garrulous Patels!

You must’ve been quite a beauty
In your hey-day;
“Yes a slew of proud lovers
and eclectic romances”;
your arched eyebrows say.
If I were a man then;
I would’ve convinced you
to stay.

I’m not an extreme
when it comes to writing:
I either pen prolific
Or the muse ain’t biting.

The aesthetics of a rhyme
are so pleasing
that I indulge in them
from time to time.

But of late;
it makes me nauseate
to succumb to you Seth…

Blank verse seduces me
with it’s no strings attached pitch;
should I scratch this itch…

There I go again
with my witty mask;
All I can say is:
“Somebody stop me!”

Dearest Guinea,
don’t fret I say;
the red signal
didn’t work this time
but it just may
when you change the approach
and let the bigalow
pick you up some day!


Blogger chocoholic said...

Dear Poet Laureate,
On ur blog,
i have found a record
of everything odd.
And it tickles me pink,
to see certain escapades posted on ur link!

wanted to add something about poems and gossip being in ur dna...but was to bored to re-write my comment...enjoy

7:32 pm  

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